Kamilla Talbot
My paintings explore painterly invention and particularity of place. I am a landscape painter who works from direct observation, from memory and from existing work. Painting intuitively constructed landscapes, I am looking for a metaphoric, poetic presence, rather than a literal representation of nature. I am developing a vocabulary of flatness and abstraction which co-exists with the depiction of a perceived, representational space.
As my relationship to place evolves, my work shifts toward abstraction. The winter landscape and the movement of water, in particular, present a simplified and mysterious bridge for me to explore this shift. Painting in Upstate New York and Scandinavia, "the North” has become a discrete element in my work.
It starts with looking at life. I stand in the landscape at my easel looking for an unusual light, structure, or form. The focus is on what I see, not on what I think I see. Invention is also part of my process. Color may be a metaphor for the actual color: A poetic, intuitive stand-in suggested by the tone and intensity of the local color.
In the studio I sometimes work from my own paintings, imagining the transience of light and letting the painting’s progress inform its direction. Painting perceptually and with invention, I aim to create whole, uplifting statements.
1996 - 2000
1986 - 1990
Full-time certificate painting program at the New York Studio School
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the Rhode Island School of Design
2007 – present
2017 – 2021
2005 – 2017
2003 – 2004, 15
Private, small-group classes on Zoom
Instructor, The Art Students League, NY
Instructor, The New York School of the Arts, NY
Instructor, The National Academy School of Fine Art, NY
Instructor, New York Studio School, NY
Selected Exhibitions
2024 Solo Show: Carl Hansen & Søn Showroom, New York, NY
2023 Solo Show: Forecast, Pamela Salisbury Gallery, Hudson, NY
2023 Waiting in the Deep, Bushel Collective, Delhi, NY
2022 ALL small, Pamela Salisbury Gallery, Hudson, NY
2022 Faculty Exhibition, The Art Students League, NY
2022 Solo Show: Works on Paper, Pamela Salisbury Gallery, Hudson, NY
2022 Light of Day curated by Karen Wilkin, Westbeth Gallery, New York, NY
2022 Boom Contemporary on Artsy.net, Virtual Gallery
2021 Faculty Exhibition, The Art Students League, NY
2021 Mohawk Hudson Regional, Albany Center Gallery and Opalka Gallery, Albany, NY
2020 Faculty Exhibition, The Art Students League, NY
2020 Faculty Exhibition, The New York School of the Arts, NY
2019 Two Person Show, West Kortright Centre, East Meredith, NY
2018 Solo Show: Inland Sea, The 360 Space, New York, NY
2017 Two Person Show: Johannes Larsen’s Legacy, Johannes Larsen Museum, Denmark
2016 Solo Show: My Scandinavia, Trygve Lie Gallery, New York, NY
2015 Two Person Show: Catskill Paintings, Arkville, NY
2014 Solo Show: Townhouse.bz Showroom, Brooklyn, NY
2014 City as Subject, Westbeth Gallery, New York, NY
2014 Solo Show: Landscape Paintings, West Kortright Centre, East Meredith, NY
2013 Solo Show: Getting Outside, Charles P. Sifton Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2013 Art and Architecture, National Academy School, New York, NY
2013 Kunstsymposium Exhibit, Austevoll, Norway
2012 Solo Show, Nordisk Informationskontor, Flensborg, Germany
2012 60 Artists/60 Years, Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT
2011 Maine as Muse, Lohin Geduld Gallery, New York, NY
2011 Landscape Reimagined, Purume Gallery, New York, NY
2010 Perception/Observation, LIU Brooklyn Campus, Brooklyn, NY
2010 Local Color, Gallery North, Setauket, NY
2010 Eight Views, Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT
2009 Governors Island Art Fair, New York, NY
2009 Watercurrents: Water, with Zeuxis, The Painting Center, New York, NY
2009 Open City, Juror: Sean Scully, New York Studio School, New York, NY
2009 Two Person Show, Galleri Nordskov, Denmark
2008 Painting in the Park, with Zeuxis, Lori Bookstein Fine Art, New York, NY
2008 Small Works Invitational, Prince Street Gallery, New York, NY
2008 Silas Marder Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY
2008 Behr-Thyssen Gallery, New York, NY
2007 NYSS Alumni Show: From Governors Island, Juror: Lois Dodd, New York, NY
2007 Solo show, Johannes Larsen Museum, Kerteminde, Denmark
2007 Two-person show, Galleri Varming, Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 MAEF Winners’ Circle, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD
2007 Solo Show, Bruno Marina Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2007 Fluid Fields, curated by Susan Shatter, The Painting Center, New York, NY
2006 Bowery Gallery Juried Show, Juror: Lois Dodd; New York, NY
2006 Watercurrents: The Figure, with Zeuxis, Lori Bookstein Fine Art, New York, NY
2006 CB Richard Ellis Corporate Office, New York, NY
2005 Bowery Gallery Juried Show, Juror: Bill Jensen; New York, NY
2005 Watercurrents, with Zeuxis, Kouros Gallery, New York, NY
2005 Tri County Small Works Exhibit, Juror: Louis Newman, Cobleskill, NY
2005 Kamilla Talbot, Washington Art Association, Washington Depot, CT
2004 Identity Crisis, Delta Axis Gallery, Memphis, TN
2004 MAEF Winners’ Circle, The Walter’s Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
2004 NYSS Alumni Show, Juror: James Hyde; Parker’s Box, Brooklyn, NY
2004 Drawing from Perception V, Juror Charles Cajori; Wright State University, OH
2004 Celebrating Color, Gallery North, Setauket, NY
2003 Landmalerne, Konservesgaarden, Faaborg Museum, Faaborg, Denmark
2003 Alumni Exhibition, Juror: Bill Jensen; New York Studio School Gallery, NY
2003 Easter Show, Lønstrup Gallery, Lønstrup, Denmark
2002 Solo show, Johannes Larsen Museum, Kerteminde, Denmark
2002 Undoing the Landscape, Curators: Ying Li and Jin Lee; The Painting Center, NY
2002 The Objective Landscape, Curator: Keith Miller; Gallery North, Setauket, NY
2001 Bowery Gallery Juried Show, Juror: Janet Fish; New York, NY
2001 Maryland Artists Equity Foundation Winners’ Circle Juried Exhibition,
The Baltimore Museum of Art, Thalheimer Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Recognition and Grants
2021 Russel Sage College Award, Mohawk Hudson Regional
2014 Visiting Artist, Hunter College, NY
2014 Month-long residency at the Heliker-LaHotan Residency, Maine
2013 Borgo Finochietto Residency, Buonconvento Siena, Italy
2013 Austevoll Residency, full fellowship, Marstein Fyr, Norway
2007-2014 Artist in Residence, The National Park Service, Governors Island New York
2006 Month-long residency at the Heliker-LaHotan Residency, Maine
2005 Klaustrid residency, Eastern Iceland
2003 Two-month residency at the Pouch Cove Foundation, Newfoundland, Canada
2002 Month-long residency at the Artists’ Enclave at I-Park, East Haddam, CT
2001 Philip Guston full fellowship for month-long residency at the Vermont Studio Center
2001 Artist’s grant for month-long residency at the Vermont Studio Center
2001 Two month residency in the World Trade Center, Studioscapes program
Sponsored by The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
2000 Merit Award in Painting, New York Studio School
1999 Summer program full tuition scholarship, New York Studio School
1998 Merit Award and partial tuition scholarship, Avery Foundation, NYSS
2022 Karen Wilkin essay for Light of Day Exhibition
2016 John Goodrich review in OnViewAt.com
2015 Book: Just Add Watercolor by Helen Birch
2008 Book: The Unpicturelikeness of Pollock, Soutine and Others: Selected Writings
and Talks by Louis Finkelstein
2007 John Goodrich review in The New York Sun
2007 Icelandic Inspirations by Preben Winther in Kunstavisen
2004 Book: Site Matters, The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s WTC Residency
Corporate and Museum Collections
Alcan–Novelis, Atlanta GA
Bessemer Trust, New York
Fireman’s Fund McGee Insurance, New York
Johannes Larsen Museum, Denmark
Medidata, New York
Wells Fargo, New York